My Journey through Breast Cancer

On October 11, 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage II Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) ... or as we like to call it, extreme measures for a nap (EMFN). For a while, this blog will be my cancer journal. Enter at your own risk.

07 April 2009

a good reminder ... even if it does come from CNN

I read this article today, and was encouraged by it and its reflection of the new growing mentality of Americans. Having recently been faced with our own financial crisis of sorts, I have started to really look at how there's joy and happiness, and maybe even MORE of it, to be found when we have less. We're brought back to the basics of life, reminded of what truly matters in this life ... enough to eat, a roof over my head, my husband, my family, my coming baby, my church. I am reminded that I am rich, despite my financial status. Click on the link below and read the article ... its encouraging, no matter your current financial situation.

"Don't Confuse Money with Happiness" by David Bregman


km said...

Good article. Thanks. This last year I've learned a lot and I need to remind myself of my priorities.

Gretchen said...

Chris made an interesting and insightful observation the other day. "Children don't know when you're poor, but they do know when you're rich and it's not a good thing...."
As long as there is some food on the table and love things are o.k.