My Journey through Breast Cancer

On October 11, 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage II Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) ... or as we like to call it, extreme measures for a nap (EMFN). For a while, this blog will be my cancer journal. Enter at your own risk.

07 January 2009

plans for 2009

Its difficult at the start of a new year NOT to think about the things I want to accomplish, change, do in the coming year. New years are one of life's natural fresh starts, and I LOVE fresh starts. So without getting too formal about it, there are a few things I intend to do this year:

I want to read more. I want to rest more (the real kind of rest, not "sit in front of the TV and veg" rest). I want to invest more in relationships (which will come easier if I'm well rested). I want to deep clean and organize my home before the baby comes. I want to relax more about the baby coming. Well, actually, I want to relax more in general. I want to continue taking good care of my teeth. I want to knit more (and this year start my Christmas gift knitting WAY before Thanksgiving), and maybe learn a couple techniques that I haven't yet tried. I want to grow my hair out. I want to be in the Word more, pray more, and be generally more connected to God. I want to create a usable budget, and use it. I want to grow closer to my husband as our life undergoes a huge overhaul. I want my working less and our expenses being higher somehow not to strain everyday living. I want to experiment more with cooking and serve something other than chicken and hot dogs and macaroni and cheese for dinner. I want to complain less and be thankful more. I want to declutter and minimize without sacrificing sentimentality. I want to visit David and Rachel in Washington and see my husband take a faith-stretching trip across the world. I want to visit the Elwoods in Colorado. I want to finish (well, and start) a photo album of our trip to Europe. I want to get back in the habit of exercising and eating well. I want to find a healthy balance between going out and staying in, working and resting, planning and spontaneity, time with others and time to myself. (I know, don't we all?) I want to be more of an encourager than I have been. I want to give more and take less, be about others and not myself.

Too much? Maybe these are life goals more than 2009 goals. But now is always a great time to start, and I find that simply writing down my goals helps me get started in accomplishing them.


Gretchen said...

Heidi, you have got some good goals. Thanks for sharing them because there were more than a few in there that I want to do also.

Oh yeah, when the baby comes you will get less sleep but have a slower paced existence. Enjoy it! When I had Anders I felt crazy (no, really, CRAZY) from lack of sleep but enjoyed having an excuse to stay home and nest in. Oh, and I watched a TON of The Dog Whisperer.

May your year be filled with all of the balance and blessings that you need. =0)

Gypmar said...

I agree that this would make a fantastic "life goals" list.

Once you have your baby, you may want to put many of these on the back burner and add "take a shower every day" to your list :)