I've never been shy about attempting something I don't know how to do well. I'm willing to look up instructions in the middle of a pattern, find experts and ask questions if need be, and I have a fair amount of good old fashioned Hammer tenacity in my blood, which says "Oh, I could do that," no matter the project.
And so I bring you the first sweater I have ever knit that is actually wearable! I started collecting this yarn a while ago, one skein at a time, bought here and there. Eventually I came across a cardigan pattern I thought would be perfect for this striping yarn ... and regardless of the fact there were elements of the pattern I didn't understand, I figured it would come to me by the time I got there. One step at a time, right?
I started knitting just after Christmas, and got the main part done pretty quickly ... and then as I went to start the sleeves, realized I didn't have the right size needles. So while I waited for the needles (which I had to order) I started another sweater (which is still in pieces). Eventually my needles arrived and I was able to finish the project. There were definitely moments of consulting knitting glossaries and even watching a few knitting how-to videos, but I finished it ... and it actually turned out cute! And, get this ... it fits! The only thing left to get is a button, but otherwise this one is ready to wear! I'm actually a little surprised at myself ... and yet once again I see what a little perseverance and tenacity can accomplish.

So impressive Heidi, I love it. Hopefully you will find a button before tomorrow night and wear it to bible study. :)
Nice job! Can't wait to see it on you.
BTW: It's Tom SELLECK (Can't let a Thousand Oaks resident's name misspelled!)
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