My Journey through Breast Cancer

On October 11, 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage II Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) ... or as we like to call it, extreme measures for a nap (EMFN). For a while, this blog will be my cancer journal. Enter at your own risk.

22 December 2007

in the "oh yeah, this is why people live here" category

Sometimes I am reminded that Southern California really is a beautiful place to live. Its easy to forget that, when most days are too smoggy to even see the mountains. But, just after a good rain, or even a mediocre rain, it happens to be particularly beautiful. Unfortunately, this most recent rain wasn't quite cold enough to blanket the mountains in romantic snowy goodness, but it still made for clear air and a gorgeous day. I took a few pictures yesterday just outside my office, and thought I would share.

Yes, Dad, they've been enhanced.

I also took a picture of the sky on my way home from work yesterday. Just balanced the camera on the wheel while I snapped (that's why its a bit blurry). This doesn't even begin to capture last night's beautiful sunset, but its an attempt.

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