My Journey through Breast Cancer

On October 11, 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage II Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) ... or as we like to call it, extreme measures for a nap (EMFN). For a while, this blog will be my cancer journal. Enter at your own risk.

28 February 2012

the kitchen

The kitchen is that room in the house that seems constantly to need cleaning. It doesn't matter if I cleaned it 5 seconds ago, I find food on the floor, a dirty sippy cup, or crumbs on the counter. How did they get there? I swear I just cleaned that up! Anyway, as a result of this seemingly never-ending job, by the time the day is over, we're done eating dinner, the kids have been bathed and put in bed, the last thing I want to do is go through a newly cluttered and messy kitchen and clean it up ... again.

However, on Sunday night this week I had this weird burst of energy after the girls were in bed, and I decided to deep clean the kitchen. I even mopped the floors! It did wonders for my overall sense of well-being. An uncluttered kitchen is an uncluttered mind. And the best part? When I woke up on Monday morning to a clean kitchen, with clean dishes for everyone and space to make breakfast ... it was one of the most wonderful feelings in the world! Really, I haven't felt that good in the morning in a long time. And so, tonight, for the third night in a row, I spent 15 minutes cleaning up the kitchen. Would you believe that's all it took? 15 minutes. I was on the couch in time to catch the end of Jeopardy. It's still a hated task, cleaning up at the end of the day when I feel like my work day should be done ... but the rewards are immeasurable!

Now, I can't wait to wake up to a clean kitchen tomorrow! OK, actually, I can wait. I mostly still hate mornings. But my clean kitchen will at least enable me to get to the coffee maker that much faster.

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