My Journey through Breast Cancer

On October 11, 2013, I was diagnosed with Stage II Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) ... or as we like to call it, extreme measures for a nap (EMFN). For a while, this blog will be my cancer journal. Enter at your own risk.

10 March 2008

Chinese dinner

Last month my mom and I were involved in a mentoring program at our church, she a mentor, I a mentoree. During our Saturday get-togethers the program included an hour of cooking lesson, which I loved. I learned a lot, and gained some confidence in my own cooking ability. One of the meals we learned was a Chinese meal, complete with egg drop soup, eggrolls and beef stir-fry. The meal is a time-consuming one, so my mom and I decided it might be fun to make an evening out of it one day. So, on Sunday, we made a completely Chinese dinner for a modest group of six (it would have been eight, but my brother got sick). We had a great time cooking, and an even greater time eating. Here's a few pictures from the evening ...

We were constantly checking the recipes for directions.

For dessert we made a banana roll-up cake ... which was YUMMY. This is my mom, dad and Amy involved in the actually "roll up" part of the cake.

The table. So pretty.

The egg rolls were the most time-consuming part of the meal. Here my mom demonstrates how to fill one and roll it ....

... and then we each made our own.

Here's mom frying the egg rolls ... which turned out delicious. (This is also moments before the heat accidentally got too high and my dad got hot oil splattered onto his face. Don't worry, he's OK.)

Here's Joel, me and Caleb rolling egg rolls.

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